Timble: Great user experience and a rising star!

User Experience

Good news

We are happy to announce that Timble was awarded with not one, but two awards! FinancesOnline, one of the most popular platforms for business software reviews awarded Timble with their Great User Experience Award for 2016 and the 2016 Rising Star Award. We are really happy that we can share this news with you all! The whole team is especially proud of a Great User Experience Award for their time tracking software category because our main goal is to always make sure people enjoy using our app.

In their Timble review, the platform’s SaaS and B2B experts evaluated it as an app with especially good user experience. They appreciated how easy it is to use Timble and how well designed are both interface and features. FinancesOnline experts were really impressed by Timble’s power to gather all tasks from different Project Management tools in one place, and easy one click of a button time tracking.

On the other hand, The Rising Star title which we achieved is given to new SaaS products that only recently appeared on the market, but are already doing well with the customers and are perceived as a service that’s really efficient despite its young age.

We received the news about both awards with huge excitement and satisfaction. It also gave us motivation to do big things! We invite all current and future users to only expect  the best from us ☺


Marketing/Growth Hacking Assistant at Timble, Italian cuisine and bike rides lover. Trying to figure out all the ways to make managing work a piece of cake.

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